The South Asian Women Autonomous and Independence Project
All programs are FREE !
For more information contact our team
Why and for Whom
This project aims to establish contact and engage women of South Asian origin (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan) living in Parc Extension and Cote-des-Neiges areas and who face barriers in participating in Montreal living.
Our Goal
We build confidence in women who are isolated by visiting them at their homes to help them assess their needs and navigate them towards the services in their area. We help them develop their potential so that they can be autonomous and independent, especially when they are newcomers in this country and living alone with their children.
Our Mission
Becoming immersed in Montreal society can be effective method for South Asian Women to achieve autonomy and independence. We want women, which includes South Asian women, to have equal rights and opportunities as all people living in Quebec. For example, learning French is of paramount importance as it is the official language used in public life in Quebec.
Well Being
Participating in Montreal life will help women increase their sense of well-being. Well-being is not just happiness, but it is about health, connection, giving meaning to our lives. We want women to feel fulfilled and worthwhile. By becoming involved in a supportive society we are optimistic that the collective well-being of South Asian Women will flourish.

Basic Skills Workshops
In partnership with community organizations, topics may include:
• Self-confidence and self-affirmation
• Decision-making
• Development of different interests and abilities
• Access to employment
• Women’s rights, laws and the judicial system, and gender equality
• Violence against women
• Health and social services
• Parent-child relationships
• Educational system (integration and volunteering)
• Continuing Education
• Lectures by community professionals
• Community outings and picnics
• Cross cultural exchanges
Topics include:
• How to use public transit
• Going to the local grocery store (item identification, budget and cost comparison)
• How to open a bank account and use an interac/debit card
• What and where are services such as the local CLSCs, and police and fire departments
• How to use local amenities such as the library, centre des loisirs, maison de la culture, etc.
• Community organizations are in your area and how can they help you
• Basic language classes
• Discussions on gender equality issues
• Arts, crafts, drama, theatre, exercise
• And many more…
We are strong.
We have worth.
Our lives are meaningful.
We can find contentment.
We are smart.
We are beautiful
We will not make excuses.
We are important.
We can make our dreams come true.
Have no fear.
We can support each other.
We can always be happy.
We can find solutions
We are not alone.
We can do anything we put our mind to.
Violence is never okay or justifiable.
Our work at home is valuable.
We can always be at peace.
Help is there for us.