We are currently working on growing our collection of books (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, language, and zines). We currently shelf a range of books, and try our best to shelf books on subjects related to social justice, empowerment and women’s issues.
People are welcome to borrow a book and return it upon finishing reading, and must ask a staff member to help them to sign out the book.
We are also growing our zine collection, including both zines created in-house as well as holding zines created by others. Not all zines are available for borrow or purchase. Please read the list below for details:

Zine collection
Life stories, on being a Muslim woman in Montreal: Struggles and solidarity by Sarah Fathiya
This zine is part of a project by Sarah Fathiya, for which she set out to collect Muslim women’s stories on topics such as feminism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and identity as a means of creating dialogue around important and controversial themes. This zine captures the life stories of six Muslim women.
Available for borrowing and taking (free)
Delirium by the participants of SAWCC’s IMPACT program at Laurenhill Academy
Delirium is a collection of poetry by the high school girls who were participants in our youth program (IMPACT program at Laurenhill Academy) in 2018.
Available for borrowing and purchase (by donation: suggested donation $5)
A Love Letter To My Mom by Farha Najah
A creative writing zine exploring many themes, such as queerness, family and love.
Available to read in-house only.
To Begin. Again. by Farha Najah
A collection of personal poems which explore burn-out, heartbreaks, trauma, hopelessness, and isolation in the context of social justice.
Available to read in-house only.
The SAY zine, Vol I by members so of the SAY collective in 2012
Written by SAY (South Asian Youth Collective) members in 2012 to outline the collective’s history, objective and key concepts and issues.
Available for borrowing and taking (free)
These pills don’t come in my skin tone curated and co-edited by Bassam, editor-in-chief
A spoken word poetry collection about mental health by Black, Indigenous and people of colour.
Available for borrowing.
Open Hearts curated by Harleen Bhogal and Aisha Chaudhry
A collection of creative non-fiction aimed at giving space on the personal stories and experiences of mental health by Black, Indigenous and people of colour.
Available online here.
EUPHORIA by the participants of SAWCC’s IMPACT program at Laurenhill Academy
EUPHORIA is a collection of poetry and art by the high school girls who were participants in our youth program (IMPACT program at Laurenhill Academy) in 2019.
Available for borrowing and purchase (by donation: suggested donation $5)
Uncensored Chai
Portraits of the participants of the program Uncensored Chai.
Available to read in-house only.

Our library relies solely on donations, and we are sincerely thankful to everyone who has contributed books and content for our library.
Want to donate books? Contact us at (514) 528-8812 ext. 105 (youth) to arrange a drop-off!